
February 7, 2013

About Editorial Notes

After the phone call with my editor about her notes, I have way more confidence about editing. Now there’s guidance and direction, and some pretty practical ideas about how to proceed.
January 25, 2013

Interview: Lisa See

Bestselling author Lisa See talks about her busy writing and non-writing life, how she was inspired to write her first thriller, the importance of research, and dishes out great advice to aspiring writers.
January 19, 2013

The Flower Net

Book review and analysis of writing technique. It was news to me that Lisa See had written a trilogy of thrillers set in China. And they are great. Book review on Flower Net, the first of the Red Princess mysteries.
December 15, 2012

Interview: David Wong

David Wong, creator of the ground-breaking graphic novel Escape to Gold Mountain talks about arm-wrestling with his editor, the Chinese connection with First Nations people, and what he wishes he had known before starting this project.
December 7, 2012

Interview: Shaena Lambert

Shaena Lambert talks about when a character became real to her, and other writing insights.
November 30, 2012


Book review and analysis of writing technique. Daisy Lawrence is hosting Keiko, a Hiroshima Maiden: a survivor of the bomb, the recipient of free American plastic surgery to remove her scars, and a poster child for the anti-bomb movement that funded her trip.
November 10, 2012

Interview: Jean Kwok

Jean Kwok talks about the need to be separate from personal experiences when shaping memory into fiction.
November 3, 2012

Girl in Translation

Book review and analysis of writing technique. Girl in Translation captured me from the start. You feel as though you’re reading a diary, an account of true events and not a work of fiction.
October 27, 2012

Interview: Katherine Govier

Katherine Govier, author of The Ghost Brush, talks about shoes, courtesan slang, historical research and the writer's life.
October 22, 2012

The Ghost Brush

Book review and analysis of writing technique. The Ghost Brush is firmly on my list of Top 10 books. The writing is masterful and immersive, the characters are memorable, and the premise intriguing