Resources for Book Clubs

Thank you!
First of all, if you're on this page because your book club is reading one of my novels, thank you so much! You are the reason why I've put all the resources about my books on this one handy page. And don't forget that at the back of each book are fairly comprehensive Author Notes, book club questions, and 'behind the book' sections where I share which parts of the novel are based on real life.and family history.
Book Club Visits
Please schedule a visit through Novel Network. It's free for book clubs to join and I don't charge for short visits. The lovely folks at Novel Network handle my scheduling and send email reminders, which makes things easier for you and improve the odds that I'll show up on time for your meeting. Maybe even wearing a clean blouse and with lip gloss on.

Here are some resources for THE PHOENIX CROWN which I hope you enjoy looking through. Use the buttons below to Read the first chapter and download a Reading Group Guide; view a Gallery of images relevant to the story; or read the latest Media coverage about the novel. You can also download the Reading Group Guide PDF here.

Here are some resources for THE PORCELAIN MOON which are meant to help readers imagine the world of the novel. Using the buttons below you can Read the first chapter, view a Gallery of images relevant to the story, and read the latest Media coverage about the novel.

Here are some resources about THE LIBRARY OF LEGENDS which I hope you find useful during book club discussions. There's a picture gallery of images to help you visualize the world of the novel, links to media coverage and interviews - some of which may answer your questions, and some bonus reading.

Here are some resources about DRAGON SPRINGS ROAD which I hope you find useful during book club discussions. There's a picture gallery of images to help you visualize the world of the novel, links to media coverage and interviews. The photo of girls riding on a handbarrow get lots of comments because although I try and describe handbarrows in the novel, you really need to see one.

Here are some resources about THREE SOULS, which I hope you find useful during book club discussions. There's a picture gallery of images to help you visualize the world of the novel, links to media coverage and interviews - some of which may answer your questions. This gallery contains a lot of old family photos since the novel is inspired by my grandmother's life.

Readers always want to know which parts of the novels are based on my family's history. There's some information about that at the back of each book, but if you're interested in reading all the family stories I've documented, they're in my Blog under the 'Family Stories' category - see the sidebar on the right, under Blog Categories. Or, click on the button below.