"One of the most original voices in Canadian historical fiction" - Toronto Star
J anie Chang is a bestselling author of historical fiction. Many of her novels incorporate stories drawn from family history and often include elements of fantasy. READ MORE ...

S ocial media. I'm active on Facebook and check in regularly to Instagram even though I'm shamefully inept at Instagram. But if you only want to be bothered by the Really Big News, just sign up to my Newsletter.
January 21, 2022
A list of the tools that I use on a weekly, if not daily, basis. These are the ones that seem to do the job for me and I don’t regret paying for the ones that aren’t free.
December 24, 2020
Scouts are the black ops of the publishing world and most people don't know what they do - even though they're an important part of the publishing food chain.
December 15, 2020
Why reading curated news online bothers me. I know, this isn't about writing or Chinese history but ...