Photo Gallery

Here is a gallery of photos to help you visualize the world of The Library of Legends. To enlarge and scroll through each set of images and descriptions, just click on one of the miniature images.

Pauline's Paris 


Chinese Antiques

Just a few tidbits here about La Pagode and antiques


This country town experienced massive changes when the British military chose Noyelles as the headquarters for the Chinese Labour Corps. 

Chinese Workers in WWI

Chinese workers either signed a contract with the French (5 years) or with the British (3 years). The French tended to assign workers to civilian employers - factories, farms, the docks. The British assigned them to military units for work related to keeping the front lines supplied: repairing roads and railways; loading and unloading food, fuel, ammunition; digging and clearing trenches. Although the laborers were supposed to be civilians, they were subject to military discipline. Chinese workers were also deployed in the UK. 

Interactions with the Local Population